Understanding cash flow is one of the key steps to running a successful business. Good cash flow management will help ensure your business runs smoothly and it gives you the insight to keep on top of your business' financial health.
The fundamental step in preparing a cashflow forecast is having a profit & loss forecast as your basis for calculating and understanding the cash implications for your business.
The following points are some thought starters for preparing cashflow forecasts:
1. What are the origins of the cashflow forecast?
Questions to consider:
2. The starting point of the cashflow forecast
What is the opening bank balance? It can be the subject of error/manipulation but can easily be confirmed by reference to account balance information and should be reconciled to your balance sheet.
3. Internal numerical consistency
Mistakes with spreadsheet formulas can easily be made, so it is essential to always check numerical consistency. A cross-check of totals is a good overall guide to numerical consistency.
4. Validity of the underlying assumptions
A cashflow forecast is almost meaningless without knowledge of the assumptions on which it is based.
Apply selected ratios (for example, gross margin and net margin) to the cash flow figures and compare with previous years’ ratios as reasonableness checks. Determine whether any extraordinary items have been left out. Ensure that any scheduled debt repayments and/or dividends are included in the forecast.
5. Critical consideration of sensitivity analysis
Questions to consider: